#Runtime of doctors in training videos how to
Automatic gain control is a pain to work around, but it can be done.Īn elaborate set isn't necessary for most How To videos, and in fact it often detracts from the subject at hand. If you MUST use the on-camera mic, learn some tricks to getting around AGC ( Automatic Gain Control) and covering your camera to mask the electronic mechanisms for simple voice-over work.Even a simple inexpensive $15.00 wired mic from the mall electronics store is going to sound better and more even than the on-camera mic.Then if you move in close for a closeup cutaway, the audio will peak because your mouth is now closer to the mic. If you are setting your camera 10 feet away from your display table the audio will sound muddy and hollow coming from the camera mic.Good audio is crucial for any type of video sharing. Always use an external microphone, please do not reply on your on-camera mic to capture the audio of your video presentation. (You remember those, right? Black vinyl discs with grooves that spun on a player with a diamond needle that projected cool tunes in the old days?) Some people still don't get it – your audience will forgive bad video, but will tune out due to bad audio.

Videomaker harping on the need for good audio is like listening to a broken record.

Make a script – even if it's just a bullet point list of steps to illustrate.Follow the same format for every video you make, especially if they're in a common series.This wastes a lot of time and doesn't inform the audience well, and key points can be missed or lost in translation. Too many people tend to want to skip to the fun part – the shooting, and not work with a script, storyboard, shot sheet or any type of plan to getting their training video done. The best training videos follow a good tight format, and these 10 elements can help you make the best training videos, and leave your audience wanting more: Training videos or how to videos need certain points of action to give their audience not only the steps to making that model train, but the confidence that they're doing it right.